Christian Gift Ideas

Hello folks, in case you have not noticed by this real basic website, I am new to this. I am the average, run of the mill, working 9-5, Christian who is trying to break the mold and get out of the usual routine. I am trying to leave a job that I don’t always believe follows the same values that I have as a Christian. I don’t like worrying that if I follow my heart that is following Jesus and do what I think is the right thing for my customers, that I might lose my job. I have decided to give this affiliate marketing a chance and hopefully free me up financially so I can always do what I think is right based off my relationship with Christ and his teachings.

So here is where I want your help to help me with my goals. I am going to post items I feel would make a great gifts for Christians. Please check them out. If you agree and buy something, I make a small commission. All the purchases will be with Amazon not thru me and the commission I make does not change your price. If you are looking for something specific, post a comment if you don’t see it. I will find it and post it on the website.

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